Music expresses that which cannot be said

and on which it is impossible to be silent.

– Victor Hugo
Vlado Repic playing the piano and singing while leading worship

Vlado is an aspiring composer for film music. He says:

For as long as I can remember, music has immersed me in another, invisible world where the hustle and bustle of everyday life magically stands still. What fascinates me about film music is that it opens a new dimension as a connection piece between image, sound and emotion. To portray what a person is thinking or feeling but cannot say is particularly appealing to me. This connection is magical for me because it creates moods and tensions in the film.

As a child he took piano lessons for a few years before he started a commercial apprenticeship at age 16. During this time he played the piano in the saxophone band «Vindonissa Players».

Vlado completed a bachelor’s degree in business information technology. He worked in various IT and manager positions and has experience in programming and leading projects. For almost 10 years he has been involved in a local church as a pianist, singer and mentor, where he has organized and led rehearsals and made recordings.

After a decade-long break he could no longer stand the slumbering inside him which was crying for more music in his life, so he wrote his first composition and took piano lessons again at the age of 30. In the process, his piano teacher Olga Papikian ignited the fire in him for classical music.

At the end of 2022 Vlado worked for 4 months as an assistant for the two Swiss film composers Michael Künstle and Matteo Pagamici.

Vlado ist currently studying composition for film, theatre and media at the Zurich University of the Arts.